
Vhi Healthcare price and benefit changes 01.12.2018

Vhi Healthcare will change the premiums of three plans on 1 December.  

PMI 01 10 will increase from €1,588.10 to €1,659.62 per adult and from €375.14 to €390.14 per child 1-3. Young adult rates will also increase on this date.

PMI 31 12 will reduce from €1,369.94 to €1,354.24 per adult and from €340.73 to €337.32 per child 1-3. Young adult rates will also reduce on this date.

PMI 44 16 will increase from €1,102.48 to €1,154.58 per adult and from €291.75 to €303.42 per child 1-3. Young adult rates will also increase on this date.


Benefit Changes

The following changes will also be made on 1 December:

PMI 01 10

  • Increase of Mental Health Benefit to €100 x 12 visits.
  • Addition of Maternity and Baby Bundle.
  • Addition of Genetic Testing for Certain Cancers.
  • Addition of STI screening.
  • Increase of number of visits for Consultants, Physiotherapy, Alternative and Complementary therapies to 12 visits.

PMI 31 12

  • Increase of Mental Health Benefit to €75 x 12 visits.
  • Addition of Maternity and Baby Bundle.
  • Addition of Genetic Testing for Certain Cancers.
  • Addition of STI screening.
  • Move from €EUR benefits to % cover for certain primary care benefits.

PMI 44 16

  • Increase of Mental Health Benefit to €75 x 12 visits.
  • Addition of Maternity and Baby Bundle.
  • Addition of Genetic Testing for Certain Cancers and other cancer care enhancements.

These changes apply to all new and existing consumers from this date.